Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It is miracle that when a sperm fertilize with an ovum in the Fallopian tube , repeated mitotic division occurs to produce a solid ball of cell called morula , further mitosis converted this into a hollow ball of cell called blastocyst that embeds itself in the thickened wall of the uterus, the blastocyst will soon become an embryo, foetus and being born as a baby. How miracle it is the way I was created , so as you.

When I was a child , I lived a carefree life and being able to play hide and seek with my brothers ,sisters ,cousins and even friends ,chasing each other down the field happily ,no worries ,no stress and in fact there is nothing that bothers my mind. However, when I reached puberty ,pressure, tension ,worries ,suddenly streaming down my head , especially during my secondary school life. The only thing that I really yearn for is FREEDOM as I am under 24hours control of my parents , I am not allowed to go out with my friends and even if I got the green light from my parents they would track me down and following me as the headlines of the news like “Two girls being raped “, “A teenage girl being robbed”, “MURDER” reminds my parents to be aware of the people beyond my house that might put my life into danger. The worst thing is that I am not allowed to own my cell phone ,and even can’t attend my friend’s birthday parties.

My life routine in my school life is monotonous and almost did the same thing every day , going to school every morning ,attending co -curricular activities every evening, followed by having tuition classes EVERY SINGLE DAY (9 tuition classes in a WEEK! Can you imagine that?) and I had my dinner at 11pm after coming back from tuition centre which is kind of bored and make me tedious .This is when the stress start to haunt me when I was in Form 2.With all my time spend on studying, on duty in the libraries , attending all sorts of seminars and camps , I had no time to hang out with my friends and even if I do I had to beg from my parents to let me out. I argued with my parents in order to let me out, however it always doesn’t work and it ends up that I would bang the door as hard as I could and threw the trophies that I received and cried with my blankets covering me. I yearn for freedom but I failed to get it and I give up after lots of attempts negotiating with my parents because I am tired with negotiating so I tried a different way, a more different way, one day ,I skipped tuition classes and decided to hang out with my friends ,but unfortunately being caught by my daddy in the same shopping complex that we went! Why so unlucky? And what’s more I am being scolded by my dad and fetch me back to continue my tuition lessons. He advised me that I should concentrate in my study and lecture me for two hours till 3am .After the lecture , I realize that my parents love me so much that they become over-protective on me, and from that days onwards I continued my routine and study hard. I believe that without them , I will not be studying in KBU international college taking the AUSMAT course. I really appreciate what they did for me and I love them very much too.


Nadon said...

Wow. Intense. But i like it.

I still think though that the education system here is LOUSY.. Puts too much pressure on kids. & if you're not great, you're a failure.. huih.

*& i thought my 5 tution classes back then were too much..~~tsk2.


omg,shud i say tat u r lucky o unlucky to have such a parent?
mine life is totaly diff from u.
shud say so,my parent take full control of me when i was in primary skool,but i learn to communicate wif dem.i give dem wad dey wan,and dey gimme wad i i have 90% control of my life since i was in form 2.i decide wad i wan,in condition,wad i wan did not bother dem.i do my own hw without anybody help.i study my own without any my result are lousy today..

Song said...

Wish that someday your parents will realise their over reaction.
天空依然是蓝的,父母仍然是疼你的 XD
If not,then Ah Beng loh...

NosTalGia said...

relax awhile =)
drink tea and eat a pau =D